Ready to turn $100 into a life changing amount? đŸ€

Most people fail while growing their account because of these few reasons, risk management, money management, and strategy retention. Another one of the problems are that some people opens multiple positions and taking all the signals they can get from any random group or person then praying they will it into profits. Well sad to say, you wont be able to "make it" that way. The first and foremost rule is to check your risk exposure, a proper rule and risk management has to be followed no matter what. This has been what I've been teaching and telling people for ages.

Something I will be starting soon, it will be like a mentoring or community, I will be personally along with a few of my trusted friends help you reach from that $100 to $1000 to $10000 or to the level you probably can't imagine with the starting capital of $100. Again I advocate not for signals but to actually allow you to understand what you're entering and why you're entering

I'm pretty sure Binance doesn't allow DMs or chats or stuff like that, so please comment on how I can reach out to you when I drop/start this project of mine.

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