I started buying in December last year, 100% contracts, never bought spot, and only realized it after the new year and bought spot. Currently, 20% contracts and 80% spot. In a bull market, spot is king.

Last year, I followed some guides and made money in December. New investors made a lot of money by going all-in with high leverage. I was cheated. You should always control the risk when trading contracts. Since I realized that all guides are scams, I started to do my own orders. From the lowest 25,000 yuan, I made 50,000 yuan back to the original profit. Now I am making a small profit. By the way, it started to pull back in January. Various communities shouted nonsense, and finally I was cheated to 2.5 before I woke up. Then the bull market during the Chinese New Year finally paid back. Don’t trust any community. They are either carrying the sedan chair for institutions, paying membership fees, or being scammed by various plates.

Some time ago, there were still a lot of communities calling for short-selling callbacks. I collected information from all sides and realized that someone was manipulating the market. Most of them were letting people open short positions. I went long on DOGE and went against the trend. You can see my top post. This wave directly brought big profits from a small position. From here on, I no longer trust any community or teacher who guides orders, and there are also those who charge membership fees.

I hope everyone will not be fooled by the bull market. Those who are truly capable have already started to lead orders in the official Binance. Those teachers will not lead orders because once they do, they will be exposed and there will be no way to fool people. I was naive and paid a 500u membership fee before, and then I was lucky enough to win the bet, but in the end I would lose it all if the market was not good. Anyone who does contracts and has large positions and high leverage, and does not allow you to set stop loss, I will just call him an idiot. Such people are either stupid or bad.

Let me also promote myself. I have already invested the principal, and the rest is profit. I open orders myself and currently do not use stop loss for small positions to prevent being scammed, just to try to make a profit.

The following is how I recovered after being cheated out of a contract with only 600u left.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that contracts involve risks, and you need to be cautious when following orders. I will try my best to avoid margin calls, and be cautious when following and placing orders. If you have a lot of money, you can go all in on the spot. I feel that any one you buy will double your money.

I also hope that everyone can make a fortune in the bull market.