• Waffent Burrent explains the first rule of winning in the financial markets as follows: rule 1, do not lose money, rule 2, rule 1, never forget. Well, I want to extract this statement from your theory and explain it. First of all, I state that making money in a market is about saving time, and one should definitely not enter the market during a bull period. So when? There are 3 data for this, which is to accept that the majority has ended in a bullish position and entered a bearish position. 1) The dydx chart fluctuates around 120 for months. 2) Fear index 3) The stock market is at a time when the majority turns away, wondering who won in crypto. So, what should be done after these are achieved? First of all, by constantly purchasing the market leading coins, that is, $BTC $ETH , then by learning about the phenomena of the hype sector, collecting them and the last hit is the new listings, the ones with an exciting story that whales will be dying to become a boarder, and In the end, this process will take at most 18 months and eventually this will be over. So if you collect from the top, you will lose both time and money or your earnings will be small and you will get caught up in fomos and fuds.