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Recommended currency: strk

The reasons for recommendation are as follows:

1. Before March 13th in the Cancun sector, I think there will be a wave of hype in related currencies. strk is one of the four kings of L2.

2. Combined with the pattern of Binance’s new currency first falling, trading sideways, and then rising, ➕ before it was launched on arb, it rose and then fell after a wash. Because the same market makers have similar methods. Currently, it lasts 9 working days for consolidation and wash. There will be a rush at the end

3. Before unlocking, strk currently has the smallest market value. The current circulating market value is 1.3 billion, op has a circulating market value of 3.7 billion, and arb has a circulating market value of 2.54 billion. Before there is a large number of unlocks, it is expected to take advantage of the popularity and rise.