I see that everyone has tried to publish something within the scope of their technical knowledge. #BinanceTürkiyeSquar has started a new campaign this month. There are five sharing requirements. Moreover, if you do not have much technical knowledge, you usually talk about the weather like me. Actually, I should do that, but something happened this week that made me stink. #BTC‬ . For God's sake, what kind of movements were there, first it went up to 64k, then it dropped to 58k, now I see that it is stable at 62k, I don't understand why these movements happened, what was its purpose, but once again, I was so scared that the crypto market is very big, yes, but in a bad moment, you can lose up to your pants. These are events that have happened before, please, if you want to invest, do not jump headlong into every project and most importantly, learn to be patient, I do not know, for example, I am constantly at a loss, I am waiting for the bull.