Floki has an ambitious goal of becoming the world’s most known and most used cryptocurrency. We know that for this to happen we need to be aggressive about creating innovative utility solutions and strategic in pushing for their adoption.

This roadmap highlights our focus for 2023 and allows the Floki community to see what our plans are for the year and keep track as we work through the different phases.

Please note that while we’ve had this roadmap internally since the beginning of the year we’re only just releasing it publicly. As a result, some of the things listed in phase 1 might have been completed.

Phase 1


Shop Floki launch: Launch of Floki’s merch store, Shop Floki, to the public. Floki Vikings and their loved ones will be able to buy Floki merch with crypto and fiat.

Binance Pay partnership: Partnership with leading crypto industry payments solution Binance Pay. Binance Pay is an arm of Binance, the number one crypto brand in the world and the largest crypto exchange. This partnership will help Floki facilitate crypto payments mainly through our merch store.

Valhalla Website Upgrade: We will release an upgraded version of the Valhalla website.

Chinese Whitepaper: Introduction of a Chinese version of the Floki whitepaper to position Floki to onboard millions of Chinese crypto users.

Introduction of the Floki “China Plan”: Launch of a strategic Chinese marketing campaign aimed at introducing Floki and our flagship utility project Valhalla to millions of crypto users in China. This includes a partnership with China’s biggest crypto social media platform.

Partnership with Pyth Network (Major Oracle Solution): Partnership with major decentralized oracle solution Pyth Network. This oracle solution will set up a FLOKI price feed that allows DeFi protocols to easily integrate Floki. This enhances the utility value of the FLOKI token and allows FLOKI token holders to access more DeFi facilities.

