Has Pi Mainnet Launched?

No, Pi's mainnet is not fully public. According to the latest updates, Pi Network is steadily progressing in the Closed Mainnet phase. This phase is a very important step before moving to Open Mainnet. At the time of this writing, the launch date of the Pi Network mainnet has been officially announced between March and June 2024.

The Pi network has attracted a lot of interest from developers due to its potential to deploy decentralized applications (dApps). These developers have demonstrated the growing ecosystem around Pi by actively participating in various hackathons organized by the Pi Core Team.

Once the mainnet is fully operational, the Pi coin is expected to serve as the primary medium of exchange, powering various transactions on the Pi blockchain. Some of the planned use cases of PI cryptocurrency include, but are not limited to, money transfers, NFT transactions, and payments for goods and services. It is also intended to be used on play-to-win gaming platforms.

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