#BTC #Ethereum(ETH) #sol #Portal #BNB

2024-03-01 Quantitative AG record is as follows

Market: There was a loss in this one hour today. We opened a short position near 615xx and stopped the loss at 61888. I broke the record of taking profit for 10 consecutive days [face covering] and waited for the next signal to get it back. Although I lost an order, my winning rate was still very good.

Shanzhai: chz0.1 is lurking, it is now 0.16, a 60% increase, and it has not started to accelerate. Hold it patiently, we will continue to roll positions, adhere to the principle of not shorting the Shanzhai, and continue to make long-term compound interest.

Copycat: doge, shib, chz, ksm, luna, rats, crv

Communication: https://www.aabiok.com/ai.html

Public account: Astonishing Goose