Web3 anti-fraud tool Scam Sniffer published a post saying that the address starting with "0x36b" was attacked by ERC20 Permit phishing attack 10 hours ago, resulting in a loss of about 2.28 million USDC. The fraudulent addresses are: "0xdd6cf6483fe5d948e0aeee94d94b8c98f055d1b0", "0xb6d6c8193cc2d28be229ac208b1cd689653e75d4", "0x076a3a43b9ed37f9001e58b2418e87333385d4e8". SlowMist reminds that the stolen funds are all stored in the hacker address "0xCA4DDFFE50720292C9F0530B6F98Ca5e40c046b5". #ETH2.0 #bicasso