Cyber ​​Crypto Week 2 | Current Developments in Cyber ​​Security and Crypto Ecosystem

Curve Finance Hack and LP Payments

Our first news comes from Curve Finance. Following a massive $61 million cyberattack, the Curve community decided to pay liquidity providers (LPs). We discuss the effects and importance of this situation on the ecosystem.

Lazarus Group Threat

Another issue that attracts attention is the latest movements of the North Korean-based Lazarus hacker group. We are conducting an in-depth analysis on the strategies of the group, which has been continuing its attacks on crypto users since December, and the effects of these attacks on the ecosystem.

Security Weaknesses in NFT Contracts

Our latest news is about the hack of NFT Trader and the measures taken by crypto platforms against vulnerabilities in NFT contracts following this incident. We examine what this means for Web3 security.

2023 Crypto Security Report

We summarize the cyber attacks experienced throughout the year, increasing attack rates and the evolution of the ecosystem. We make predictions for 2024 by covering topics such as DeFi, 51% attacks and the rise of digital assets.

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