Eight Laws of Life and Money You Must Understand


1. Success is 10 percent brains and 90 percent consistency.

Knowing a lot doesn't guarantee success. Look around you. A lot of smart people are broke and struggling. In order to be successful you need to learn to take action. Devise a plan and work at it day in and day out.

2. If someone can’t tell you what their flaws are, they have the most dangerous flaw of them all - a lack of self-awareness.

3. Someone’s ability to resist material things says more about their character than their ability to obtain them.

4. Just because a relationship has lasted a long time doesn’t mean it’s successful.

5. Self respect comes from self control. You’ll never respect yourself if you are a slave to people pleasing and external validation.

6. You have to stop prioritizing being loved by others. Learn to love yourself first. Remember, the most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.

7. Self-awareness is realizing that there is no opponent. Your inner doubts, fears, and insecurities are your greatest enemies.

8. Anything that costs you your mental health is too expensive. Avoid it.

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