Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced that channel authors will begin receiving payments for advertising impressions. Thus, in March, the messenger’s advertising platform will officially launch in almost a hundred new countries, and channel owners in these countries will be able to receive 50% of Telegram’s revenue from advertisers. At the same time, only the TON blockchain will be used to pay for advertising and withdraw funds. Against the backdrop of this news, the native token TON immediately jumped by 32%, to $2.84.
Post in Durov's channel
What else is known? According to Durov, Telegram channels generate 1 trillion views monthly, but currently only 10% of these views are monetized using the messenger's internal confidential banner advertising tool.
He added that the TON blockchain was chosen for paying for advertising and withdrawing income because of its speed and security. “We will sell advertising and share income with channel owners in Toncoin coins. This will create favorable conditions in which content creators will be able to cash out their TON or reinvest them in the development of their channels,” the businessman concluded.
Previously, Animoca Brands announced support for the TON Play project to create games for Telegram, and also became the largest TON validator.
Late last year, TON set the record for transactions per second (TPS) among blockchains and payment systems with 108,409, but later faced congestion as a result of the launch of the TON20 standard, similar to the Ordinals protocol for creating Bitcoin NFTs. The team noted a decrease in throughput due to inefficient hardware on some validators.
In October, the Telegram team launched the Fragment marketplace, where using TON you can buy a username or an anonymous phone number.