As the "first fire" in the technology world in the Year of the Dragon, the popularity of OpenAI's latest popular Vincent video model Sora is continuing to grow at an alarming rate. According to the official introduction of OpenAI, Sora can produce videos up to 60 seconds long. The videos include highly clear scenes, complex camera movements, and can support the creation of multiple characters.

Since the Sora model was released, the technology circle has been hotly discussing the technical route behind the model, and the creative team behind the scenes has also come into the spotlight. According to the Sora technical report released by OpenAI, the Sora author team has only 13 people, 3 of whom are Chinese.

However, on February 18, a self-media article titled "One of the inventors of Sora that shocked the world is Xie Saining, a talented young man who graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University" became popular on the Internet, with more than 100,000 reads. Later, Xie Saining responded in the circle of friends, denying that he was one of the inventors of Sora, and said that he had "no relationship at all" with Sora. At present, this article has been complained (involving the publication of false information), and the content is illegal and cannot be viewed.

There are not only rumors surrounding Sora in the market, but also a series of cleverly-named scams. One of the most common scams is selling Sora-related training in the form of low-quality courses.

According to people familiar with the matter, a Sora course currently sells for 99 yuan on the market, and more than 20,000 copies were sold in one day. In other words, a course seller can earn at least 2 million yuan a day. However, the content delivered by the course is extremely simple, with only Sora’s introductory document and an empty slogan: “Give yourself a chance.” However, this fraudulent method has caused many people to be deceived.

What's more, there are people who pay to attract people and use all means to create anxiety. They declare everywhere that "Sora's popularity will disappear in three months at most", "One step is slow, every step is slow", "A connected product was launched within 24 hours." There are no published courses for the product." On a certain e-commerce platform, some people are also selling Sora tutorials. Even the promotional posters are the same, and they are too lazy to redo them.

What’s even more worrying is that someone claims to have obtained Sora’s interface, packaged it into GPTs, and produced software that looks real for distribution. This practice is not only an abuse of the Sora model, but also a deception of consumers, making it difficult for people to distinguish authenticity. In addition, some people collect various Sora articles and proper nouns and create Feishu documents for sale; or use professional terms from the film and television industry to package them into Sora prompts to induce people to pay to join the group.

In addition to selling courses, there are also many people who are taking advantage of Sora's popularity to attract people and accumulate private traffic. They promoted Sora's audition as the first AI film co-created script and the opportunity to become the first generation AI director through QR codes in Moments and social media. These propaganda methods incite people's curiosity and desire, making them pay to join the group in order to participate, further increasing the influence of false propaganda.

In the final analysis, the AI ​​leek-cutting incident brought about by Sora is the same as using small gifts to attract aunts to buy health care products. There are many similar scams, but their essence is to profit from people's anxiety and information gap.

In response to these false propaganda and scams, OpenAI's head of developer relations, Logan, issued an emergency statement clarifying that Sora is still in the internal testing stage and is not open to the public. The statement also emphasized that even if it is open, the time when Sora will be available as a product has not yet been determined.

In addition, labeling real videos with "This work was generated by artificial intelligence Sora" has also become the current traffic password. Today’s videos only need to emphasize this sentence at the beginning: This video was generated by OpenAI’s new model Sora. Not surprisingly, it will get thousands of retweets and become popular.

Later, many netizens discovered that in addition to a small part of Sora's public video works, there were suddenly many videos marked "This video was generated by OpenAI's new model Sora" on the Internet. The publisher even thoughtfully attached "Generation instructions" ". However, in fact, most of these videos are fake Sora videos using real videos and are not generated by Sora.

Obviously, the confusion matrix in the video industry has come out. Some netizens ridiculed that it is now a big problem to distinguish between real videos, fake videos, real fake videos, and fake fake videos. This issue has also aroused heated discussions among many professionals.

François Chollet, the father of Keras, said that video generation models like Sora do embed physical models, but the question is: is this physical model accurate? Can it generalize to new situations, i.e. those that are more than just interpolation of the training data? From the official video released by Sora, some logical errors can also be observed, further confirming this issue. It can be seen that Sora has only reached the level of human dreaming, but his logical ability is still not good.


In the future, Sora still has a long way to go before it can truly "fake the real thing". For the majority of users, they should remain vigilant and not blindly believe in various propaganda and inducements. When facing Sora or other similar products, you should learn more about it, collect information, and understand its true situation through authoritative channels. In addition, you can also choose to wait for the officially released or officially certified version to ensure that your own interests are not infringed.

#人工智能 #SORA #AI+Web3