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Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest technology topics in 2023. Whether it's Google's DeepMind deploying AI to predict harmful genetic mutations or ChatGPT being used to automate everyday tasks, AI is everywhere, and this advancement promises to change our lives in countless ways.

Our human lives aside; what about our virtual lives? Alien Worlds is not immune to the charms of AI, instead the technology has been at work since the game launched in 2020. From generating eye-catching artwork to enhancing user experience (UX) and managing large amounts of data, AI has been used to advance our multi-chain vision every step of the way. As AI becomes more sophisticated, its use cases are multiplying.

AI-driven artistic exploration

The artistic core of Alien Worlds is made up of countless content creators (graphic designers, storytellers, videographers) who work in the metaverse every day, whether in a paid position with major contributor Dacoco, or as Be part of the Six Planets Alliance, or work in an individual capacity. But it’s fair to say that this artistic heart beats with the help of AI.

Virtually all of the fascinating artwork you encounter in Alien Worlds, whether it's alien races, mining tools, avatars, soldiers, buildings, vehicles or landscapes, is at least partly thanks to artificial intelligence. Innovative text-to-image tools like Midjourney play a vital role in transforming imaginative concepts and sketches into visual wonders, and AI complements the creative talents of individual contributors and helps expand their vision.

It’s important to understand that despite the bleak and depressing predictions some make about the future of AI, we don’t think this technology will ever truly replace artists. Instead, AI tools can and are being used to enhance their capabilities. So while imaginative humans provide the initial spark of inspiration, AI is the turbine engine that accelerates their creative output. We don’t expect AI models to win the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale anytime soon — even if an AI-generated image won a prestigious photography award earlier this year.

The synergy between human creativity and the diligent output of AI helps generate content on a scale previously unimaginable, which is obviously helpful when what's being built is a vast sci-fi metaverse underpinned by an extensive mythology of. Additionally, there are other use cases for AI being explored behind the scenes, including LLM-powered NPCs in the Alien Worlds game.

We are already witnessing the democratization of content creation within the Federation of Planets by using AI tools to reduce the skills gap required to produce engaging content. With these tools, almost anyone can become an artist, storyteller, or even Metaverse game developer: an extensive background in art, writing, or software development is no longer required. All you need is an idea, commitment and passion.

As the Alliance of Planets competes for a larger share of Trilium, community members naturally turn to AI to spark a creative firestorm that quickly produces a large amount of content (games, apps, avatar templates) in a short period of time. The planetary alliances most likely to stand out are those that combine the ingenuity of their contributors with the unique capabilities of their AI.

Beyond Art: AI in Alien Worlds

AI tools can be used to write stories and create fantastical visuals, but what else can they do besides serve as clever creative assistants?

Since day one, Dacoco has been leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning to enhance users’ experience in Alien Worlds. This approach benefits the entire ecosystem, ensuring users engage with content that resonates with them.

Dacoco isn’t the only company using AI to analyze the massive amounts of data generated by players’ on-chain activity (the majority of Alien Worlds’ game logic runs on the blockchain, generating 13 million interactions per day). In the past, players have taken it upon themselves to use AI to analyze and examine blockchain data patterns and target users through large-scale NFT releases.

In fact, AI is the best tool if you want to evaluate and utilize the vast amounts of data generated by on-chain games and applications. In turn, blockchain—or more specifically, DAOs—could be used to manage the onslaught of content created by AI.

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, people are beginning to discuss how to manage these very powerful models and tools. If AI is to become an information filter for much of humanity, how we manage it will be as important as tracking where our food comes from. Thankfully, immutable blockchains can serve as a technological line of defense against rogue AI, ensuring the technology operates in a fair and responsible manner. Protecting the interests of all Metaverse participants is of paramount importance.

As some of the leading technologies of our time, blockchain and artificial intelligence are intertwined like a DNA spiral in the evolving Alien Worlds metaverse, enhancing human creativity, empowering content creators, and enhancing user experience. It will never be the same again.

Alien Worlds provides a truly unique decentralized platform where players are not just simple participants, they are active stakeholders who can influence the present and future of the game. Whether your goal is to create services, tools, games, or other platforms, the community is ready to embrace and leverage them.

Developers, you can access our API toolkit here:

Innovators, breathe life into your projects by applying for a Galaxy Incubator grant today:


-This translation is sponsored and supported by Kavia-


Alien Worlds Chinese website:

Planning and production

Produced by: 9iMxxx 丨 Original text: AlienWorlds Chinese

Cover source: AlienWorlds Chinese


About "Alien World"

Alien Worlds is a famous NFT metaverse game. Players can experience the collection and use of unique digital items (NFT), mine and stake TLM tokens for free on the planet, and participate in tasks; earn NFT, elect planet leaders, and join planets. Guild, participate in planetary governance.

Since the game was launched in December 2020, more than 9.8 million players have joined the alien world, with more than 9 million daily interactions. Alien World ranks first on DappRadar’s rankings, and it is attracting more players to join the exciting metaverse it has created.

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