Although it is not known who ignited it, the market is currently full of bullish sentiment.

I think there is a possibility that around March 13, BTC will reach around ATH, which is 69k, which is hype for ETH upgrade.

If you already have a position, try to get the maximum profit.

If you don’t have a position yet, it is difficult to go long with leverage at the current price because the interest is very expensive. 0.3% per day for futures and 0.2% per day for spot.

If the above idea is true, buying at 56k can yield a 20% return, but may require 5% interest expenses for half a month.

I think a better trading idea is to buy spot for most of the position, and use a small position to buy March 15, 58,000-62,000 call options.

If you think calling March 15 is risky, you can call options at the end of March and April. Although the returns will be lower, there is still a high probability of breaking even if something unexpected happens. #BTC