Write a self-introduction

🔥Amateur trader, a fighter who loves reading, likes to think, and has a pure heart to chase dreams🔥

When he was a sophomore, that is, in 2015, Li Xiaolai bought the app column "The Road to Financial Freedom" and learned about the big pie. At the beginning of 2017, he crowdfunded VeChain 2,000 yuan through Yunbi.com, and the peak account reached in the middle of the year. More than 70 W, I have lost nearly 350 W in contracts in recent years, and last year alone I lost nearly 100 W. It can be said that I have reached a desperate situation where my family is ruined and my family is ruined, but I still stick to my ideals and want to make a stable trade by trading. member. It has been 8 years since I entered the currency circle in a daze, and now I am considered an old leek. To say that there is nothing outstanding about it, it is actually more market experience.

I have always believed that there is no priority in trading. Maybe today's novice will be tomorrow's god. This field is very magical. Regardless of one's inferiority or the size of one's capital, it is only a matter of time before one truly understands everything material in the future.

The philosophy I adhere to is the "three dares" trend following philosophy of daring to lose, dare to win, and dare to wait.

My Weibo name and coin name are both 🐥Trader Xiaoliang🐥, and real trading has always been open to the public. I hope to witness my growth and progress with everyone, and move towards a better life together! Achieve your life goals.

Living is not a failure! The world is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses! ! Work hard, young man! ! !