#零撸 #空投

A network that issues liquid re-collateralized tokens designed to provide the best way to earn risk-managed ETH total returns without sacrificing liquidity.

@RioRestaking testnet is online, has received support from investors such as Polychain, Coinbase Ventures, Hashkey and Blockchain Capital, and has confirmed the launch of $RN tokens

Operation guide:

1️⃣Receive Goerli test tokens: https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-goerli

2️⃣Enter Rio Network test page: https://goerli.rio.network/

3️⃣Connect the wallet and change the network to Goerli test network

4️⃣Make a deposit mortgage to obtain reETH, then withdraw reETH and repeat the operation

5️⃣It is currently relatively early and other functions have not been released yet.

6️⃣Fill out the feedback form: https://rionetwork.typeform.com/testnet?typeform-source=airdrops.io

7️⃣Official documentation: https://docs.rio.network/

#Airdrop🪂 #加密货币 #web