Binance was once the best currently with so many robberies committed by the American justice system it has become a slot machine, and does everything so that no one gets rich anymore only the banks profit, with one percent the banks make a fortune profiting millions in trade for the common user, it's not enough but you have to kill yourself from trading that when you get it right to make a mixed profit, putting an end to ETFs only shows Binance's commitment to preventing anyone from getting rich, unfortunately the US took over the brokerage and like everything that pig bankers screw up it sucks, it sucks, I don't have much interest in investing in the brokerage anymore and like me, many users are disappointed, I don't know if they let me express myself freely through Square, they will probably say that I'm going against some of their guidelines, they don't want more people know what is happening, they want new users to lose their money and have it handed over to American bankers