Unpublished emails between Satoshi Nakamoto and Adam Back revealed

Unpublished emails exchanged by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto and Adam Back became public for the first time amid ongoing litigation between the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) and Craig Wright.

Wright, who controversially claims to be Nakamoto, is trying to patent the Bitcoin whitepaper and related materials.

Important news about Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto

The emails date back to August 2008, several months before Bitcoin's official launch. They show a conversation between Adam Back and Nakamoto about the technical foundations of what would become the first and largest cryptocurrency to date.

From Satoshi Nakamoto's message, we can isolate the initial founding of Bitcoin involving Back's Hashcash document, a key component of Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work mechanism.

Read more: Satoshi Nakamoto: Who is the mysterious and mythical creator of Bitcoin?

Other emails show an exchange of technical concepts between the two. Back advises Satoshi Nakamoto to investigate B-money's proposal. Seemingly important advice, considering Nakamoto admitted he wasn't aware of them.

This part of Nakamoto's confirmation plays a key role because Craig Wright claims to have been inspired by B-money when creating BTC, casting doubt on the veracity of the self-proclaimed #SatoshiNakamoto.? #Nakamoto. #satoshi #volviosatoshi story.