#DigiByte is 10 years old that’s 1 year older than Etherium, DGB established 2014 as a bitcoin fork has proven to be faster, more Decebtralised & more scalable.

Currently 1 DigiByte = $0.01 and as you should do your own research 🔬 here I share with you my take.

DigiByte has been extremely stable and running for 10 years without 1 second of down time, with active and dedicated community of developers & loyal fans who are die hard decentralisation to the core.

My thoughts 💭 on DGB price forecast based on history and current up to date developments along with the ones lined up plus more adoption for 2024 is really anywhere over $1 so much potential with DigiByte and currently at 7 year lows.

For more info ℹ️ visit DigiByte website and watch a few of the videos …

Cease this opportunity

✨Study DigiByte ✨