
The third Alpha Call of Cocos in 2023

Current price 1.8U, see 3~5U investment is risky, DYOR

Here are seven reasons to buy:

1. Cocos is going to change its name and currency to Combo. Do you feel that this change is very appropriate to Binance?

You are right. They are specialized in building the second-layer network of gamefi. Binance supports them very much.

Binance wants to support them to be the first ly2 of BNB

It is expected that Binance will announce it in late April or early May (my own guess)

This is a powerful currency exchange project~

2. Cocos is the world's third largest game engine giant, accounting for 40% of the Chinese game market share and 20% of the global market share. The team will lay a lot of R&D resources on the underlying game construction every year, with a total of 1.6 million developers, 300,000 monthly active developers, and covering more than 1.6 billion devices. Unity, which is listed on NASDAQ, currently has a market value of 10 billion US dollars~ Currently, Cocos has a market value of 130 million US dollars, and its market value is seriously underestimated~

3. Cocos is a team that is very good at making things happen and catching hot spots. It was the first currency to propose a deflationary concept currency on Binance. It should have risen 10 times at that time. They are good at catching every hot spot~ So this time you know

4. In 2022, Cocos completed a US$50 million Series B financing round, with investors including CCB Trust, GGV Capital, and Agora. It is a Web2 company with plenty of money.

5. Cocs has started cross-industry cooperation with Huawei Hongmeng, BYD, Baidu, ByteDance and other companies to provide them with underlying technical support

6. Cocos’ Web3 partners include DappRadar, NodeReal, Celer Network, Galxe, Particle Network, as well as leading cloud computing providers such as Alibaba Cloud and Cocos Engine IDE, an industry giant from the traditional gaming world.

7. Their test mainnet is scheduled to be launched at the end of the month. There will be a Free mint NFT method. This NFT can be cross-chained to the ZKS network through zkbridge (zkbridge is polyhedra). It is the lowest cost method known. According to unknown sources, this behavior will be officially recorded by ZKS. So everyone must participate more.