The first 50,000 new Simple Earn users who complete the quiz with all questions correctly answered during the Promotion Period, will be eligible to each receive a free 700,000 PEPE Locked Products position.
Promotion Period: 2024-02-23 10:00 (UTC) to 2024-03-07 06:00 (UTC)
How to Participate:
Step 1: Correctly answer all five questions in the quiz by referring to the information on the official PEPE website. Users may reattempt the quiz if they did not answer all the questions correctly.
Step 2: The first 50,000 new Simple Earn users who completed Step 1 will automatically receive a free 150-day PEPE Locked Products position by 2024-03-20 23:59 (UTC). Note that users will not be able to participate in this promotion once all rewards are distributed.
Rewards: PEPE 150-Day Locked Products (Principal rewards: 700,000 PEPE; 10% APR, Duration: 150 days)
Please note:
Users will not be able to participate in this activity once all rewards are distributed.
Please refer to the campaign announcement for more details.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #PepeOfficialAirdrop #PEPE