Make brushing your hair a daily routine, Lava does it. The logic is very simple, just change the URL to the specified node. Automatically accumulate points in your daily interactions, points = future weight

Participation entrance

There are currently 5 official chains to participate in, and 4 link node settings have been made for reference.

🔶Near chain

🔸Using#Senderwallet as an example

🔸Settings→PRC Node→Better Node


🔸Using#Argentwallet as an example

🔸Settings→Manage Network→Add→Set Node

🔶ETH chain

🔸Using#OKXWalletas an example

🔸Select network→Add custom network→Set nodes


🔸The method of Eovmos on EVM is the same as that of ETH. Here we will talk about setting it on Cosmos. Take the keplr wallet as an example

🔸Settings→Modify link points→Cut