How did I invest heavily in the AI sector in the early stage?
0.2AGIX current price 0.72=3.5 times #agix
0.5ARKM current price 1.37=2.5 times #arkm
2.5WLD current price 8.3=3.3 times #wld
0.5FET current price 1.14=2.1 times #fet
14NMR current price 35=2.5 times #nmr
A very simple logic is that the concept of AI has not yet appeared in the last bull market. It takes at least 2-3 years from the emergence of a concept to hype and development. Just like DEFI in 2019, sushi uni has a hundred times the hype space. It is like the NFT concept in 21, where sand mana has repeatedly risen in the bull market.
Capital is more inclined to new narratives. Of course, this round is inseparable from the explosive birth of sora, which is why there is such an exaggerated increase of 2-3 times in a week. This round of bull market is firmly optimistic about this sector, looking forward to the birth of a hundred times, and Let’s encourage everyone.