Assets pledged on the Merlin chain can be used to receive airdrop Voya. There are 90 airdrops for each eligible account. The deadline is 11pm on the 23rd. Friends who meet the requirements, don’t forget to claim it. The following is the specific tutorial for receiving Voya.

$VOYA Detailed Collection Tutorial

Get the official website:

1️⃣Import OKX wallet mnemonic phrase into metamask little fox wallet

[The reason why the OKX wallet cannot be claimed is: when you use the OKX wallet to link to the claim website, it will automatically use the BTC address in your OKX to link, and most people pledge it with the ARB/Ether main network, so it is shown that they are not eligible, and the After the OKX wallet imports metamask, it will be linked with your Ether address, and the qualifications and account balance can be displayed normally]

2️⃣Use metamask to link to the official website, and the merlin chain will be automatically added

At this time, it depends on whether you have BTC in your wallet to use as gas. An account only needs 10U of BTC. [If you don’t have it, you can borrow some from friends who have cross-chain merlin]

3️⃣Click the icon to enter the claim page to claim, the gas fee is about 2U

4️⃣Press the icon to enter the swap page, select VOYA/BTC as the trading pair, and approve VOYA. Gas only costs a few tenths of a U.

5️⃣ Carry out swap and confirm it in the wallet. The gas fee also only costs a few tenths of U. If the pop-up shows that the gas fee is as high as dozens of U or even hundreds of U, do not confirm, re-swap or refresh the webpage and then swap! !

🚩If your eligible wallet is originally a Little Fox wallet, you can get it by directly linking to the website. The specific steps are the same as above.

🚩If your BTC address (such as OK's bc1p address or unisat) is qualified, you need to link to the website and click the purple ball in the lower right corner. This is Merlin's abstract wallet. You need to have BTC in the abstract wallet to receive it. Copy that one. Just deposit money at the address starting with 0X, and the rest of the steps are the same as above.

Finally, I have to complain that Merlin’s abstract wallet is really difficult to use! ! ! Launchpad has not yet opened cross-chain to Merlin's BTC. It is estimated that it will only be in the next few days. Jeff's development team will have to work overtime!

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