Let’s talk about something more realistic, folks.

After looking at the square, many people’s names and posts were from 10U to 1WU, and the number of u doubled to the number of 1WU.

Brother Bakucang just said, don’t think about it! impossible!

Is it really so difficult that you can’t go from tens to hundreds to a few W?

It's okay, but can you persist?

Generally speaking, it is difficult to grow from small to large. In other words, to make a contract, you have to open a high configuration. It is like gambling every time (to prevent pin insertion). Otherwise, how can you make money?

Can you guarantee that you will win 100 times and never lose once?

So Brother Bao Cang is here to change your thinking.

Following the rhythm of the liquidator, it is difficult to make a big profit with a small amount, but what about a small profit with a big amount?

Do you understand now?

I ended up with 1000u, low configuration, I can easily get 10% profit.

Just make money and leave, you only need to make one order a day

You end up with 10U, high configuration, and fear. Can you always guarantee 1000% profit?

10% of my 1000u = 1000% of your 10U

Can you understand what Brother Bakucang means now?

Follow the rhythm of Brother Bangcang, strive for victory steadily, don’t be greedy

#热门话题 #走线预测