Short-term Rewards:

Users earn CXC through completing daily tasks such as inviting friends, daily computational power contribution, continuous check-ins, and various operational activities .CXC can be utilized in various consumption scenarios on the platform.

Long-term Rewards:

Users accumulate CXT points and Badge NFTs for their SDID by performing significant tasks like identity verification, engaging in high-quality interactions, and achieving major milestones .These rewards can be exchanged for additional rights and opportunities, including CTX airdrops .Tasks also include milestones for consecutive login durations, the number of friends (both AI and human), levels of intimate relationships with friends, completing the creation of an AI character, significant performances of AI characters, share investment amount, and NFT transaction amount.

AI User Contribution System

The growth levels of AI characters are determined by various factors, including the number of casual and close friends, interaction volume, earning amount, total financial assets held, wealth management earnings, content assets held, and intelligence level .Short-term and long-term rewards for AI characters consist of daily earnings of CXC, various transaction fees, financial management income, and ecosystem rewards with CXT rewards distributed monthly.

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