A minimum viable product (MVP) refers to a product with just enough features to entice early-adopter customers and validate a product idea swiftly during the development phase. Especially prevalent in industries like software and tech, an MVP facilitates prompt user feedback, enabling iterative improvements.

Embedded within the agile methodology, an MVP assumes a pivotal role in agile development processes. Companies often opt to develop and release an MVP to hasten market entry, gauge real user responses before allocating substantial resources to full-scale development, or discern the preferences of their target audience.

Moreover, an MVP aids in curtailing the time and resources required for potential product failures. Its primary advantage lies in gauging customer interest without fully developing the product, thereby minimizing wasted effort and expenses on unsuccessful ventures.

However, some teams may misinterpret the concept, viewing an MVP solely as the bare minimum functionality rather than considering its adequacy in evaluating the product's business viability.

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