#Write2Earn #bfc #free_claim Free bfc mainnet free claim bfc mainnet token directly to metamask edition while it's still an event, okay straight away step by step tutorial 1. open thelastpie.world freely via chrome or kiwi or opera 2. create an account using guest, not social media, but if you do It's okay if you want to use a social media account, because this is just for spam and making a guest account is very effective because one account gets 1 mainnet BFC token and the guest account is for one use only, later when the token has been sent to Metamask, immediately create another guest account and continue like it's the same as "spamming" but there is also a guest facility for free claim tokens, basically every 1 guest gets 1 BFC token and then the token will be sent directly to Metamask 3. After successfully creating an account using guest on thelastpie.world then click > how to play > lets play > give me, after clicking give me continue "okay" just up to 3x

4. then click as in the picture, then click receive rewards, if you have got the token you can just send it to your metamask good luck trying it (sorry for the small picture, too lazy to take screenshots)