The guy from the Air Force said he shouldn't panic, but that's all lies.

The daily market trend cannot go down at all. What should I do if I am short-selling?

Don't be anxious. Judging from the weekly chart, there will definitely be a correction next week, and it won't reach a new high within two or three days. Just hold on to the order. At least it will be no problem to unwind.

#BTC No matter from which perspective, the pie will fall tomorrow. Looking at tonight and tomorrow night, the theory is that A-share investors’ funds will retreat as the price rises.

#ETH The two cakes have surged higher in two rounds. Affected by funds, tonight and tomorrow night there will be a correction together with the big cake. It is estimated that the minimum is 2650, which may be less than 2650.

#sol🔥🔥🔥 sol regained its foothold at 110 today and has a high probability of reaching a new high. I will choose to run away directly to reduce the risk after a correction later.

The Air Force is too difficult. Does anyone have any other opinions?