Every quarter, the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) publishes a detailed report providing the EOS community with an overview of activity, growth, and financial expenditures.

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) provides support, funding, and necessary resource coordination to help EOS grow into a thriving ecosystem. We are using the power of decentralization to paint a future of collaboration for the EOS network, making EOS a force for positive change around the world.

Check out the latest report for an in-depth look at all the major milestones for the entire EOS ecosystem, including:

  • Notable Growth Indicators

  • EOS EVM latest developments

  • Notable partners

  • Developer Relations Progress

  • Event Attendance

  • Technological development

  • Antelope Alliance

  • Ecosystem Roadmap

  • there are more

Download the report

CEO Message

Dear EOS Community,

As we head into the next year, our reflection on the past is more than just a look back. It reveals the evolution of the EOS network, not just one of milestones, but of a deeper awakening. The past year has been a testament to the strength and dedication of our community, reminding us of our collective ability to shape and redefine the potential of our network.

Our journey into 2023 has seen significant improvements, including the deployment of the EOS EVM, the birth of EOS Labs, and the strategic investment of EOS Network Ventures. These developments signify our relentless pursuit of excellence and our commitment to expanding the capabilities of the network.

The partnerships we established in Q3, particularly with CoinTR, ESCC, and PassPay, underscore our commitment to expanding the reach and utility of the EOS network. These alliances open up new avenues for growth, particularly in the financial services and payment solutions sectors, strengthening our position in the global blockchain space.

The formation of EOS Labs under the leadership of Wen Huaqiang represents a major evolution in our ability to coordinate efforts across the diverse, multifaceted blockchain ecosystem. Today, EOS Labs has become an indispensable partner, demonstrating a strong vision to connect EOS with web3 companies and the ability to facilitate the launch of groundbreaking new initiatives.

In mid-December, the EOS network decided to stop issuing RAM, marking a major turning point. This move was a direct result of Denis Carriere’s insightful recommendation to set the RAM increase rate to zero. His contribution, marked by a clear understanding of the needs of the ecosystem, played a key role in the strategic shift as the needs of the ecosystem were an important factor in redefining the role and perception of RAM in our network. His foresight in recognizing the untapped potential of RAM has been invaluable in guiding the growth and development of our platform.

Our once overlooked resource, RAM, has now become a vital asset with intrinsic value, embodying the essence of web3 native Real World Assets (RWAs). This transformation has resonated deeply with the community, reigniting a sense of purpose and excitement reminiscent of our network’s origins. EOS RAM has emerged as more than just a digital asset, it has become a unifying force, bringing the community together to realize its potential.

The shift in the perception and value of EOS RAM is closely tied to the concept of the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN). It highlights the importance of decentralized, resilient, and intrinsically valuable assets within the broader blockchain ecosystem. Just as DePIN highlights the importance of combining physical infrastructure with decentralized networks, the evolution of EOS RAM demonstrates a similar fusion of digital and real-world utility, shaping a future where blockchain technology transcends traditional boundaries.

“Innovation is the ability to view change as an opportunity rather than a threat.” —Steve Jobs

Building on this momentum, the RAMS project, which began as a RAM-based inscription effort, has become a beacon for this re-engagement. Dynamically influenced by ongoing community feedback and engagement, RAMS has seen remarkable growth. As the value of RAM has increased, so has community interest in RAMS, leading to innovative proposals for new features, including a native on-chain inscription exchange and a RAM trading marketplace. The project’s current focus on integrating with BTC L2 solutions on EOS represents a forward-thinking approach for our network, in line with the latest trends in blockchain technology. The continued minting and development of RAMS, driven by active holder engagement, demonstrates the community’s ability to leverage RAM’s unique attributes to shape the future of EOS. This period in our network’s history not only highlights the role of RAM as a central organizing principle, but also the community’s ability to drive innovation and growth through collaborative efforts and a shared vision.

As we head into 2024, our focus is on harnessing the transformative potential of these developments. Our commitment to innovation, community engagement, and strategic partnerships remains unwavering. The journey ahead is filled with opportunities for the EOS network to redefine its capabilities and reach new heights of success.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your dedication, resilience, and innovation. Your contributions are the driving force behind our achievements and the exciting possibilities for the future. Together, let us continue to shape a more decentralized, resilient, and vibrant ecosystem.

Keep moving forward,

Yves La Rose

Founder and CEO of EOS Network Foundation