⚡️A crypto acronym everyone should know👇

▫️ (FUD) Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt - fear, uncertainty and doubt in the market.

▫️ (FOMO) Fear of Missing Out - Fear of missing out.

▫️ (HODL) - buying and not selling cryptocurrency for an extended period of time.

▫️ (SAFU) Funds are safe - Binance's fund where 10% of commissions are deducted. It is intended to compensate users in case of failure of the exchange itself.

▫️ (ROI) Return on Investments - profit/loss from investments.

▫️ (ATH)/(ATL) All-Time High/Low - the highest/lowest price value.

▫️ (DYOR) Do Your Own Research - a call to always research the project and possible risks yourself before investing. Even if you trust the source and at first sight the project is very attractive.

▫️ (AML) Anti Money Laundering - fight against money laundering.

▫️ (KYC) Know Your Customer - identity verification procedure. Usually conducted on centralized exchanges.

▫️ (NFA) Not Financial Advice - not financial advice. Another call to research the project yourself rather than blindly believing one analyst/blogger/expert.

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