February 16, 2024, pie market observation #BTC!

Today, the market fluctuated in the range of 51611.7-52623 US dollars, with the daily amplitude narrowing to 1.95%. This is consistent with yesterday’s judgment that the $51,755-51,533 area requires long-term observation for realization.

From a technical perspective, the small level formed an upward structure in the range of 51949-52255 US dollars. Currently, there are two upward structures in the small level, namely the 51755-51533 US dollars area and the 51949-52255 US dollars range. The two structures in the same direction indicate the beginning of the trend.

With the continuous shocks at the small level, the mid-level $52,188-51,955 range structure has not yet been completed, and more time of shock consolidation is needed to form an established trend.

Yesterday, some netizens were anxious in the comment area about when the market would break through the ideal price. This gave me the following inspiration:

In English, long is LONG and short is SHORT. From my understanding, long LONG means doing long for a long time. Being long is a long-term thing and will not end in a little while. SHORT short means short-term and cannot be long-term. Do it. Since we have chosen a long-term thing, we can relax and wait with peace of mind, and the money will not be in a hurry. We will update our views and opinions in the comment area as soon as possible according to structural changes.

Overall, the recent market situation is still in a state of shock, and it is necessary to characterize the trend composition of each level over time. Investors can seize the opportunity to increase their holdings moderately.