When you open a new order, you decide to maintain a low leverage and a 100% winning rate, and take your time. This is the right way, and you don't have to force yourself to make a profit every day or every month. We only do mainstream coins and popular coins, but also coins with good liquidity. We open 10% of the position each time and leave after making a little profit. To be honest, I am still optimistic about ordi#ordi。 . Finally, I would like to thank this veteran who follows orders. Although you only follow 14u, I’m curious as to how I can make a bigger profit than mine. In the next two years, I will not go short but go long. I hold a lot of spot stocks. This is just a small test of my contract ability. As we all know, people who play currency games have no spare time at all. The last people who saw this hope to give me some attention, or simulate following my orders, and make a summary in the next five days or so.