The market value has not changed much on 2.14. The total market value fluctuates around 1k, currently 142,000u. During this period of shock and sideways trading, no operations are planned. Just take a look at the pie calmly. The impact of ETFs is undoubtedly huge. Retail investors, large investors, institutions, whales, and regulatory authorities all need to adapt to face this change.

It shows that I didn’t seriously think about this matter before going out on the 19th of last month, or I went out in confusion with a high position on the contract. Traveling is helpful for seeing many things clearly. It also allows you to examine yourself calmly. If you have time and leisure, when the Internet is good, you can operate the 1 pie contract to treat itchy hands. If you don't have time, hold u in a short position. But don't go short.

The previous matic and zil are retained. The total position is about 30%. See how it changes.