Investors often choose fast-growing currency pairs, this is a lucrative bait that everyone wants, whales also see it, and good things do not come to us.
As retail investors, we can invest in pairs with somewhat slow growth, but it is best to choose currency pairs with fluctuations in 24 hours, between the highest and lowest prices of about 7-8%.
We are like people panning sand looking for gold. In countless trading pairs, it doesn't matter whether it is green or red, but it is pointing to the low price with the longest red candle tail.
And like a spring, the tail of that candle will be returned, followed by the green candles returning to the original close position, ensuring a profit of 3-5% when sold.
Buying and selling takes place regularly and continuously within a period of 3.4 hours, there will be 3-5% x 2 up and down sessions x 30 days x 12 months.