#BTC 2.13-2.14 Points and Strategy Reference:

BTC: 3% low at 49725, 10% more at 49300, 12% Margin Replenishment at 48850. Take profit in batches: 50700, 52000 (50400, 51400 are weak resistance). If it closes above 48800 within 48 hours, it means that it has stood firm, and then it will take a round of unilateral rise. Liquidation is controlled below 45,000 in the short term.

ETH: 2644-2630 low buy 5%, 2602 into 10%, 2588 Margin Replenishment 8%. Take profit in batches: 2718, 2756. Liquidation below 2380 safe.

SOL: Resistance is around 116 today. The 115 take-profit point given in the morning has been reached, waiting for the Margin Replenishment near 112.45-111.950, the take-profit target: 116.05 take profit 1/3, 122.25 all take profit and wait for the retracement to enter. Liquidation below 102 security.

ps: When the retracement is weak, there is a certain probability that the above Margin Replenishment points will not be received, and the price can be made up when the turn is up.