⏰It's only been 1.5 months since the new year and I can say that postponing things cost me at least $100,000.

So How?

✨ I opened 30 accounts for #StarkNet , but I didn't start working hard because I thought it would be late. SS was taken from 30 account deposits. Additionally, I would greatly admire WormHole #Airdrop . I had a solid goal of at least 15 wallets. However, since I had 5tx in my main wallet, SS was also taken from it. It was truly a shame for me to praise #WormHole so much and not be able to prepare and participate properly. These examples were just two of the ones I expected the biggest gains from.

➖Some things may not go the way we want. That's why I always say. Don't procrastinate and do it. From now on, I will never postpone anything. It can be a huge loss.