前几天ZETA空投,不少人都领到了一顿豪华猪脚饭,着实是香,ZETA上所一天内也从0.8美金爆拉一倍多,最高到达1.8美金,目前回落至1.3美金。不少朋友私信问我能不能接盘,对于ZETA我们团队的观点是,好项目,但是目前的ZETA流通少,而项目方流通筹码比例高,所以建议大家不要盲目去追涨接盘,应该等待回调再择机进入。很可惜我自己错过了ZETA的空投,不过我倒是因而仔细研究了一下Zeta所处的赛道,收获颇丰,今天我们就以Zeta为切入点来聊聊即将可能爆发的一条赛道——全链赛道。随着 L1、L2 各层链的生态发展,相比于以前的以太坊一家独大,大众开始接受多链并存的状态。但是每条区块链,本质都是一个独立的自定义账本,都有自己的共识规则,因此不同链之间成为了一个个孤岛。一个Dapp想要触及更多用户,开发者必须在不同链之间分配资产,用户也得不断更换主链来交互,非常麻烦。因此跨链互联、万链归一越来越成为 Web3 的一个重要命题,从波卡,到COSMOS,再到Layer zero,一直在研究这个主题,到了2024也到了一个集大成的时候。如果往日你已经错过了SOL生态暴涨,模块区块链的火爆,现在千万不要错过下一个风口:全链。全链赛道的发展是由多链到跨链再到全链的一个过程:

  • Multichain: Multichain dApps exist on multiple chains, and each chain has its own interface. Users on each chain only interact with products on that chain.

  • Crosschain: Allows cross-communication and allows assets to be transferred from one chain to another. But it does not bring a high degree of optimization to products outside the Bridge project.

  • Omnichain: It is a higher-level combination of multi-chain and cross-chain. It also allows dApps to be present on all chains, but in a single interface, and connected chains can easily interact with each other.​

If you make a popular analogy, multi-chain means that when you decorate a house, whether it is basic decoration, hard decoration, or soft decoration, you have to search and supervise the work yourself, and pay the decoration companies respectively; cross-chain means basic decoration, hard decoration, and soft decoration. The decoration can be coordinated with each other, and you give the money to the basic decoration company. They will provide you with several choices of hard decoration and soft decoration suppliers based on your requirements. Let you choose. After finalizing, the hard decoration will be subcontracted. Pay; the whole chain means that you don’t care about anything and hand it over directly to a design company, which will help you handle all subsequent links.

Just in the field of decoration, you can outsource with one click, which saves trouble but pays higher friction costs. The purpose of the whole chain is to allow you to outsource with one click, and the friction costs are controllable.

Therefore, the story of the full-chain track sounds very good, so there are many scammer projects taking the opportunity to hype it. So next, I will give you a pair of insightful eyes to understand the operating mechanism of the entire chain from the bottom. It may be a bit obscure when it comes to technical language, but please believe that knowledge is a good investment and read it several times.

In fact, the whole chain inherently needs to solve the problem of inaccessible chains and cross-chains. Cross-chain is nothing more than the cross-chain of assets and information.

Currently, there are two main types of cross-chain assets commonly seen in the market: [Lock/Destruction + Minting] and Liquidity Swap.

1. Lock + Cast

Locking + minting will lock or destroy the original assets on the chain, and at the same time mint an equal amount of wrapped assets on the target chain to achieve cross-chain transfer of funds. Since it does not rely on smart contracts, locking + minting supports cross-chain transfer of funds between non-EVM chains. Currently, cross-chain bridges using locking + minting solutions include WBTC, Multichain, and Wormhole.

2. Liquidity swap

Liquidity swap solutions rely on smart contracts. It realizes cross-chain transfer of funds through asset swaps in the liquidity pool. However, due to the high deployment cost of smart contracts, usually liquidity swaps only support cross-chain transfers of funds between EVM-compatible chains. Currently, cross-chain bridges using liquidity swap solutions include Synapse Protocol, Stargate Finance, Hop Protocol, etc.​

After talking about capital cross-chain, let’s talk about information cross-chain, that is, how to detect the network status at both ends of the cross-chain bridge and transmit information. Cross-chain bridge protocols in the current market generally use two cross-chain communication technologies: single/multi-party verification scheme and repeater + light client scheme.

1. Single/multi-party verification

Cross-chain communication is carried out through one party or multiple parties. Among them, single-party verification is relatively centralized, with some well-reputed institutions responsible for the custody of cross-chain assets and the execution of transactions. Currently, cross-chain bridges using single-point verification solutions include: wBTC and Wormhole. The operating mode of multi-party verification is similar to that of the blockchain, relying on multiple nodes to complete cross-chain communication through a consensus mechanism. Cross-chain protocols that use multi-party verification schemes include Multichain and Synapse.

2. Repeater + light client

The repeater + light client solution proposes to deploy a light client on the chains at both ends of the cross-chain bridge. The light client can verify the authenticity of transaction data and block headers using only minimal information and is used to collect transactions. requests, transaction status, and is responsible for executing transactions. At the same time, an off-chain relay is introduced to synchronize and verify transaction information. Cross-chain bridges using repeaters + light clients include Cosmos (IBC as a repeater) and LayerZero (Chainlink Oracle as a repeater).

Looking at the entire cross-chain narrative, locking + minting and liquidity swaps are the two main fund cross-chain solutions currently used by most cross-chain bridge protocols. However, these two solutions have some limitations in different aspects and cannot achieve the universal Omnichain cross-chain function pursued by ZetaChain.

In the locking + casting solution, cross-chain funds need to use packaged assets as substitutes for original assets to realize the transfer of funds. Therefore, this solution does not achieve true cross-chain funds. Moreover, this kind of technical security incidents occur frequently, making it the hardest hit area for hackers to steal coins. The liquidity swap solution does not support non-smart contract platforms (such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin networks), and different token protocols are not interchangeable.

In addition, from the perspective of cross-chain communication, the single/multi-party solution and the repeater + light client solution also have some different disadvantages. In one-way/multi-way verification, one-way verification is centralized. In the repeater + light client solution, the deployment cost of third-party repeaters is relatively high.​

Therefore, multi-party verification + light client is a reasonable solution to realize Omnichain’s full-chain vision, and it is also the solution adopted by Zetachain. In the next issue, we will explain the technical architecture of Zetachain in detail.

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