Trading with a full position - if the position is full, you will lose.

Frequent trading ---- lack of technical guidance.

Operating against the trend - small probability but high risk.

Hedging transaction - do not accept the fact of loss.

Pull down and pull up the average price of positions - adding more mistakes to mistakes.

Guess the top and bottom, without setting a stop loss - looking for reasons for mistakes.

If you are too much, you will be empty; if you are empty, you will be too much - too much pursuit of perfection is goalless.

Listening to the news and blindly following the trend - lack of understanding of the market.

Not good at introspection and doubtful of the market - fear of the market.

Develop a long-term trading plan - the future is uncontrollable. #BTC #crypto2023 #ETH #Binance #Web3