If SHIB reaches $0.000008999or $0.00009, will you become a millionaire?

According to web search results¹², the current price of SHIB is approximately $0.000009044 and the market capitalization is approximately $5.3 billion.

If you own 1 billion SHIB tokens, then its current value is approximately $9,044 USD. If the price of SHIB reaches $0.000009, then its value will be about $9,000 USD, which is a little lower. If the price of SHIB reaches $0.00009, then its value will be approximately $90,000 USD, which is much higher.

To become a USD millionaire, you would need the price of SHIB to reach $0.001, which is approximately 111 times higher than the current price. This would also mean that SHIB's market cap would be approximately $589 billion, which is more than Ethereum's current market cap ($483 billion)³.

Of course, these calculations are based on the assumption that the circulating supply of SHIB remains constant at 589 billion tokens and that there are no other factors affecting the supply and demand of SHIB. In reality, the price of SHIB is influenced by many variables, such as the popularity of the meme, the development of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, the actions of other holders and investors, the regulations and policies of different countries, and the general sentiment of the crypto market.

Therefore, it is impossible to predict with certainty whether SHIB will reach $0.000009 or $0.00009, or whether you will become a millionaire by holding SHIB. The best advice I can give you is to do your own research, be aware of the risks and invest responsibly.