During the Spring Festival, SOL has seen a steady rise, with five consecutive positive days. It can be said that both its popularity and financial strength are better than other currencies. So with this momentum, coupled with healthy trading volume, the rise should continue.

Analyzing the K-line chart, we can see that there is currently an obvious N-shaped rising structure, and the auxiliary indicator MACD shows signs of a lotus emerging from the water above the zero axis. If combined with a good market atmosphere, a bull market may occur.

A closer look reveals that the pressure from above is not that great, only around 122, but with the impact of volume it should be able to break through smoothly.

My system signal shows:

1) Currently, the main contract is long, avoiding short positions, or short positions can only be shorted with low leverage. Long positions have a relative advantage, which can be 10 to 20 times

2) Hold the spot boldly, no problem

