Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of Crypto and NFT terminology being thrown around in the crypto space? Fear not! Here's a comprehensive A-Z guide to help you navigate the world of NFTs like a pro.

A is for "Probably nothing". This term is used ironically to suggest that something is actually important. For example, "That new NFT collection just hit No.1 in trading volume on OpenSea. Probably nothing."

P is for "Pumping". This term refers to the rapid increase in price or value of a token or digital asset.

D is for "DOXXED". When the identity of an NFT team member, developer, or creator is public, known, or verifiable, they are considered "DOXXED".

R is for "RUGPULL". This term is used to describe a scam where the team behind a seemingly legitimate NFT project disappears with all the money raised immediately after launch, leaving buyers with worthless NFTs or tokens.

Rekt, slang for "wrecked", is a term commonly used in the online gaming community to describe someone or something that has been totally destroyed. In the crypto space, getting "rekt" often means experiencing severe financial loss due to bad investment decisions.

Right Click Save As is an ironic expression used by non-believers in NFTs who believe that digital artwork can be easily attained on the internet through right-clicking and saving an image.

S is for "Snipe", which refers to getting a great deal, such as quickly buying an undervalued NFT before someone else, or before the floor price rises.

WAGMI stands for "We're all going to make it", a phrase that expresses optimism about the future of NFTs and cryptocurrency.

Wen is a silly misspelling that's used ironically by NFT and crypto communities, often in the context of "Wen moon?", which loosely translates to "When will the price of this asset rise exponentially?"

YOLO, an acronym for "You only live once", expresses the idea that one should enjoy the present moment without worrying about the future or consequences.

Others are;

GVO: Good Vibes Only

WAGMI: We Are Going To Make It

NGMI: Not Going To Make It

LFG: Let's F*ing Go!

WL: White List

GM/GN: Good Morning/Night

DM/PM/DC: Direct Message/Private Message/Discord

 AMA: Ask me anything

PFP: Profile Picture

FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt

IRL: In Real Life

DYOR: Do Your Own Research

IYKYK: If You Know, You Know

LG: Let's Go

DW: Don’t Worry

GZ: Congratulation

OG: Outstanding guy / Original Gangster

SZN: Season

FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out

GMI: Gonna Make it

TBH: To be honest

TBA: To be announced

FOMO: Fear of missing out

YOLO: You only live once

NFA: Not Financial Advice

IDK: I don’t know

Airdrop : A new NFT or tokens dropped into your wallet for free.

Degen : Degenerate. People who do not research and take high risks.

Alpha : Information that the rest of the market has not found about it yet.

Delist : Cancel the listing of an NFT for sale.

DYOR : Do your own research.

AMA : Ask me anything.

Dev : Developers. People behind a project.

Flip : Buy NFTs at low prices and sell them quickly for profit.

Ape in : Rush into buying an NFT.

Diamond hands : People who holds their NFTs long-term.

Floor price (FP) : The lowest price which you can buy an NFT.

Blue chip : A project that will retain high value well into the future.

Dox : People who publicly reveal their identity.

Floor sweeping : The action of buying a large number of the cheapest NFTs listed to raises the floor price.

FOMO : Fear of missing out. People who rush into buying.

P2E : Play to earn games.

FUD : Fear. Uncertainty and doubt.

Mint : Buy a completely new NFT from the creator.

Paper hands : People who panic sell.

Gas fee : The fee needed to make a transaction on a blockchain.

OG : People who support a project since the beginning

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