February 8, 2024

Last night's rise made the long-term positions completed before have made good profits. This morning I saw the trend of Auntie and Dabi, which is a new position for building positions. It will definitely have a good year.

Today’s focus: The number of U.S. unemployment benefits claims will be announced at 21.30 today. The data released will have a certain impact on the market. Set a stop loss in advance and beware of bookmakers taking advantage of this.

The short-term market suggestions are as follows: For those who have completed long-term positions according to the prompts before, it is most important to hold them patiently and control their positions. Seeing the trend of Big Pie and Auntie this morning, you can start a short-term operation to collect New Year's money. At present, my aunt has opened a small position, and she plans to gradually increase the position and open short positions. My aunt and Dabi can open short positions on the rise today and gradually build positions. For other currencies, you can consult in the comment area and make stop losses (short-term) at the same time.

The short-term and medium-term market suggestions are as follows: Big Pie, Yitai and some altcoins are at short-term highs and can be shorted on rallies (short-term)

Ultra-short-term opportunities: TIA, DYM

Questions related to the currency circle can be written in the comment area, and Big Hippo will reply one by one!

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