About $BTC information:

When does BTC face strong bull or bear momentum?

Bearish momentum: It started on Feb 02 at a BTC price of 43000 and dropped until 42176, ending on Feb 05.

Bullish momentum: It started on Feb 05 at a BTC price of 42513 and raised until 43580, ending on Feb 05.

From Feb 05 to today, #BTC has faced temporary bull and bearish momentum. So when entering Strong Bullish or Bearish until BTC will fluctuate up and down 1- 1.5%. Everyone should trade with enough funds. Please don't panic if BTC manipulation happens; manipulated markets can't raise more or drop significantly.

If any changes in the market occur, I will provide updates. Always keep your Liquidation price at the $3000 price range. Don't say you're facing a loss when BTC manipulation occurs. If anybody is following my analysis, they need to wait for my update, avoid entering into emotion, and refrain from making emotional decisions.

Thanks for your support and love 💕

Author: @RoOhis Analysis

#BTC; #Write2Earn