[ZETA mainnet 14500XP at zero cost]

This season’s airdrop is 2.5%, and the mission time is only one month. Some missions are very simple and cost only 0. a few u. You can spend a few minutes to do it.

Open the link to connect to the wallet and register xp

https://hub.zetachain.com/zh-CN/xp?code=YWRkcmVzcz0weDc1ZDBFOTcwNTBmMDE2N0YwM2RmNjRCMTQzM2MyYzMwNjI5QTNFN0EmZXhwaXJhdGlvbj0xNzA5ODc5NjYyJnI9MHg3ZGVkYWI1N2YwOWQyMDI0Z jM5NmJkZjlhYjZkNWQ2YTA5MmRlOGY1NjkwMDM2YTQyZDRiOGE5MWE2NzZhYjNiJnM9MHg2NmZhNDFjNzUyOTAzNDFmMzhjZTZmN2E4NTU3OTFiNjk2NjljN2M0YTliNzE0NjUwN2Q3ND k0NDQ1YzA5MjNkJnY9Mjg%3D

First we buy 12 zeta on okx, then sell 10, and withdraw at least 2 zeta into the wallet

Then click the link below 👇🏿 to buy 0.001BTC/BNB/ETH each to complete the task


Add Zeta-BTC LP here in pools


Then return to xp here to collect your xp points

#BTC #zeta #空投 #撸毛