General Condition 101 - part 1.

There's my favourite line in one of the netflix series. The fall of the house Usher, when Verna says the line "This is the moment luck meets opportunity".

That's like in trading, you need to wait for your luck to meet your opportunity and I believe that the correction in the longterm trend of Crypto Market is that moment.

A trader needs to preserve their arsenal by all means necessary and wait... wait for that moment when luck meets opportunity.

Yes, I believe that bitcoin and the crypto market is bullish and not just bullish but a devil deal like bullish that will change ones life upside down. But I'm saying to pull the trigger and unload all of your arsenal recklessly. No.. not like that.

As a trader or a speculator, we must wait for the right moment when our luck meets opportunity and pull the trigger little by little until we use all of our arsenal in a trade or position. And if we get it right.. and at the right time.. we must hold that position and maximize the return until the curtain falls down or the trend reverses.

Do not give up your good position too early. Instead add more money on your winning position little by little whenever there's a healthy corrections in the trend.

Do your own research, good luck and Happy hunting!

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