There are hundreds of online trading systems, but they are actually very similar. If the core of each of them is really peeled off to only the innermost layer, there will be no more than 30 basic models, and if they are grouped into categories, there will be no more than 5 or 6 types. But before, Xiao Cong felt that there was something more important than the trading system:

You need to answer 2 questions first

1: What exactly do you make?

Many people who have been doing this for more than ten years don't understand this problem. They keep changing and trying this and that without finding a direction. This is harmful because their trading systems for making different money are completely different. Maybe you have more positions and I have less positions, and then after a certain period of time, you and I both make money (can’t figure it out? Hehe) Why? This is why I know why I am short at this position, where I want to be short, how much I will earn, and what my risk tolerance is. I have a clear psychological knowledge, and if you are long at the same point, you can answer all the questions. My question above, it turns out that both of us can make the money we want to make. What does the trading system rely on at this time? It depends on our two different understandings of what money we want to make. If you don't know this, you don't even have the criteria to screen trading systems in the first place. What do you think you rely on to screen trading systems? A slap on the head? ? Read the text introduction? You have no standards for how you choose a trading system. According to my opinion, the trading system does not need to be polished by yourself. There is so much information on the Internet that you can easily create more than 1,000 sets in a month. You can verify and modify it at will. The question is, what money do you want to make? Which one do you want to keep?

For example, for me, I sometimes see some very cool ideas and systems. At first glance, they seem to be viable and really cool. Then when I look at them, it’s like I’m seeing a married gang boss. Just like a woman, I look at you, smile, say hello, and in the end I do whatever I need to do. I don’t have the slightest idea of ​​using this trading system. I really don’t, because I have my own woman. Women are also OK. I won’t do it in a hurry, because I know what kind of money I want to make. If you are still very excited when you see any method, system, or idea today and want to use it directly, then I basically know that you are now What level are you in? It’s the age where a young person’s blood will surge when he sees any woman. I understand, I understand, I understand completely, hehe.

Then you ask, how do I know what kind of money I am suitable to make? I don’t know about this. It depends on your personality. For those who feel itchy when they open the chart and want to place an order, I think you shouldn’t bother with trend trading. You will definitely not be able to do it. You are completely wasting your time because you can’t hold back. The mentality of holding a position with floating profit is completely consistent and synchronized with the mentality of you who can't help but open the chart and want to place an order, but don't panic, your personality can be very short-term, a lot of systems are playing with this Yes, then if you have the conditions, go find a master to learn how to speculate. If you don’t have the conditions, just find ideas and trading systems that meet the requirements of ultra-short 1 minute or 5 minutes. Don’t even look at anything else with big cycles, big levels and big profits. Those are not your cup of tea. If you look at them, they will only do you harm but no good. Your brain will be confused and internally injured. You just focus on one direction to learn, because ultra-short trading systems also have many kinds of ideas and schools. , as far as I know, there are at least 3 or 4 types. After you try it, choose the one that suits you best, and then continue to play. Play 1000 times, and the meaning will naturally appear.

Although everyone is doing financial transactions and making money, only by determining what kind of money will you make can you determine what type of trading system is suitable to make this money, and then find out which type of trading system is most suitable for you. One kind, and then optimize and polish the specific one that belongs to you; for example, if you are super short, super short means selling big cakes on the roadside, so you can sell your big cake well, and the profit of each big cake will be 2 yuan. For cash transactions, just concentrate on selling and don’t talk about other things with me. Have you ever seen a sesame seed seller on the roadside discussing national policies with you? What you are talking about is that there is something wrong with your brain. Don't talk to me about trends. You are not worthy. I'm sorry, I don't despise you. Why do you think you, a big pie seller, need to know the trends? Understand? Do your own thing. I’m not looking down on those who sell pancakes. There are many people who sell pancakes and sell them into chain stores, and there are many people who make tens of millions of dollars through speculation. It’s all your own choice, but you can only Do your own thing; in the same way, to put it at the other extreme, I am a PE and invested before I went public. Of course I have to look at the fundamentals every day, study the valuation, and then buy at the bottom and hold on for a few years. , have you ever seen value investors unable to sleep at night when holding positions? Have it?

2: Block everything that is inconsistent with your philosophy

This point is even more important than point 1. Our era is not the past. It was not the era of globalization before, and information was underdeveloped. If you follow a master or learn a trick or a half from somewhere, you will really rely on it. In use, we are just constantly optimizing and improving the efficiency of this technique in practice, but not now. In this era, there is too much noise and too much information on the Internet, and you will find that many times the concepts are completely opposite, for example Many books will say that stop loss is very important. You cannot afford the consequences of not stopping loss. But if you read enough books and information, you will soon find out. Others will say that stop loss cannot be set easily. Sweeping stop loss is an effective tactic for dog dealers nowadays. There is even a school of thought that focuses on your stop loss position and will only return to the normal trend after it is wiped. Excuse me, whose advice do you listen to? Is TMD’s stop loss set or not? you answer me

The core is very simple, that is, these two people with different views have different starting points and backgrounds when they explain their respective views. You sell big cakes, and you only earn 2 yuan per big cake. You say your Can the stop loss be the same as that of a buddy who does PE? you answer me? It is the same? So how can we simply compare it? You don’t even know the background of your respective views. Do you know the limitations and rationality of their views? There is only one thing you want to know, that is, your level is obviously higher than the two of them, so that you can accommodate both of their perspectives from a higher level. In that way, it doesn't actually matter whether you read the book or not, you are just examining the book, and If you don’t learn from books, you can’t even think about improving your skills in ten years. So what should you do?

What should I do if I wait for a newbie to enter the industry soon? ?

The best thing is to determine what kind of money you want to make, and then only focus on the martial arts of your own sect. Don't always eat from the bowl and look at the pot. If you don't talk about other things, just talk about the repeated conflicts between different schools. It will confuse you who have no inner strength. For example, some people say that the market is unpredictable and we should do what we want. Some great gods will say that the market is certain and we should do what we want. For example, I saw a great god today saying that the moving average The essence of it is not good and cannot solve the trend problem, but I turned around and saw another person saying that masters stop at the moving average; I don’t know how many such conflicting ideas and opinions are on the Internet. What should you do? I'm OK, because I hold on, and I know exactly what point they want to express, but you, a novice, can't do it, what should I do? Just don't look at it. If you see ideas and methods that are inconsistent with what you are currently doing, don't even look at it. Don't care what the other person says. Just treat him as nonsense and do your own thing. For example, I am enjoying my reputation today. I sneered at the entangling theory. I really think this thing is just a scam. Of course, I also know why many people like it, but in my system, the entangling theory really can’t find its place. You see , I dare to question something that everyone agrees on, do you dare? Including many people talking about trading with the trend, I also laughed it off. Does it mean that trading against the trend is treason? If trading against the trend is unethical, then are the guys in value investing the biggest fools in the world? Obviously not. Buffett himself often bucks the trend and buys at the bottom. Is he a fool? Obviously, what theory is right? What theory is wrong? All of them are right and all are wrong. Only things that follow one's own context are right, and those that can solve one's own problems are all right. The rest are all damning. Give me as far away as you can to die, or as far away as possible to get out of here? Do you have the courage and courage to say No? It must be there. Without you, they would be killed, haha

Finally, to sum up, it is actually 3 steps

Step 1: Know what you make and determine your entire style

Step 2: Develop a concept that suits you under this style framework (the concepts under different styles are also different. For example, short-term speculation is also divided into different schools)

Step 3: When 1 and 2 are confirmed, do everything possible online to search for trading systems in this context, and then find the best one. Then at that moment, you will feel that you can still do it.

Finally, what is the standard for a master? Basically, after I know your 1 and 2, I can probably guess what your 3 is, and there is a general range. In fact, whether you give me your 3 is not very important, but knowing your 1 and 2, Very important

If you can give me your transaction records, you don’t need to mention 1, 2, and 3, I will know it. This is the only thing that can bring pleasure without making money, right?

I wish you all smooth sailing on your trading journey, haha