There are things I don’t know before I started trading. Like I said in my posts earlier, this is just experimental, there’s no better teacher than experience.

Here are the things I didn’t know about liquidation that got me liquidated:

1) I didn’t know that the more you DCA, you’re over leveraging yourself and the liquidation marks moves closer.

2) I didn’t know that once you get liquidated, the liquidation takes all the $$ in your features account.

3) i thought only the $$ involved in the open trade would be liquidated.

And for this reasons I got liquidated for $616 on a $LINK short.

I was fairly pissed at myself after I got liquidated. What do I do now? I thought to myself.

Then I opened up another short position at $18.66 with a 20x leverage and made $520.

Well, I haven’t gotten all back but with these things I just learnt, I hope I don’t get liquidated again.