Pay attention and read carefully because you guys are treating cryptos like they're all the same and they're absolutely not.
Here are the two most important things you need to understand when investing into digital assets.
And of course, drop me a follow on @El Ogiso and good tip at convineince, I've been in the space for seven plus years.
I could be your daddy. And of course, we're about to get rich. No, I'm not a financial advisor.
First thing to understand is token economics. This is important. Token economics, or tokenomics as they're often called, are actually the metrics behind coins themselves.
What causes sell pressure?
Who owns the supply?
Is there a burn rate?
Is there inflation?
Are there venture capitalists dumping on you?
Is Ripple dumping on you?
For the $XRP holders, that is yes. Most companies fund their projects by dumping tokens.
Figure out which ones are dumping on you the least and those probably will have a better chance of going up.
A great crypto project that actually has very little to no VC dumping is Hex and Pulse Chain.
That was just some guy named Richard who started that. But, you know, to each his own.
And of course, number two, how is outside money actually flowing into this asset? Is there on-chain data that supports the theories that the influencers are peddling to you?
Is there actually money being moved onto these chains?
It means that the people who have the money are rolling it into this asset and they're about to send it to the f***ing moon.
And again, not a financial advisor. I'm just trying to motivate you to follow me. Bye.
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